
Commercial Cleaning Pros Data on Office Employees

For a long time, Commercial Cleaning experts at Shoreline have offered to keep offices clean. However, keeping an office environment tidy entails much more than merely showing up and doing your job. Cleaning the office requires more than just physical effort. You must also guarantee that your employees do their part to maintain it tidy.


According to Commercial Cleaning pros from Shoreline, employees' cleanliness greatly influences employer effectiveness and quality. Cleaning the workplace is therefore essential.


Employees must deal with the filth and debris of running a business daily. Because of this, there are many statistics on Commercial Cleaning. 


The Commercial Cleaning unit at Shoreline has collated below. Giving you a sense of what you're up against when it comes to keeping your office clean.


Commercial Cleaning survey found that other employees are affected by coworkers' annoying habits.  

Commercial Cleaning pros discovered some of the most unpleasant habits employees have when working in a shared workspace. For others in the office, these habits can be a genuine hindrance.

  • Everyone else has to wash their dishes since someone has left their dishes piled up in the sink.
  • It's common for someone to keep dirty plates on their desk for a week before washing them.
  • Someone leaves rubbish on their desk and waits for someone else to pick it up.
  • Food that has gone bad and smells up the area has been lying in the refrigerator or counter.
  • When someone makes a mess on their desk, they don't clean it up till later.

Commercial Cleaning professionals recognized the necessity for a policy prohibiting the consumption of fish and other odorous foods in the workplace.

When it comes to lunchtime, it's tempting to bring smelly meals into the office. However, bringing in fish, chicken, or other strong-smelling items is a no-no for many offices. As a result of an unusual tidbit of Commercial Cleaning data, some offices forbade the practice.


Commercial Cleaning experts asked if employees felt disorganized at their workspaces; 64.8 percent of respondents replied yes. 

Whether it will be papers, coffee mugs, or notepads, the problem with clutter is challenging to get rid of. In your private life, it's easy to ignore, but in your professional life, it's far more challenging to keep your concentration on the task at hand.


A cluttered office may have an impact on your mood, according to Forbes contributor Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis. It's difficult not to be distracted if a physical disorder encircles you based on her.


Based on these findings, you can see that various simple practices can make a significant difference in the hygiene of an office. Therefore, in addition to the Commercial Cleaning crew's obligation to clean your entire office, employees should contribute to the overall Office Cleaning process by keeping things tidy for your gain. 


These, among other things, have been proved to directly impact your employees' health and hygiene in the workplace. You can create a healthy work atmosphere for everyone by Office Cleaning and getting your employees on board with these improvements.