
Use Green Commercial Cleaning Solutions for Daycares and Preschools for Child's Safety

Germs, infections, and illnesses can swiftly spread throughout the facility, causing harm to both the children and the personnel in daycares and preschools. To prevent the spread of disease, you need to establish a healthier and safer environment. It will also relieve parents concerned about Commercial Cleaning, mainly Daycare Cleaning. Because we must prioritize the safety of our children above anything else, you must consider green Commercial Cleaning in Seattle for daycares and preschools.


We all know how dangerous chemicals can be, primarily if your company deals with children. Your best option will be green Commercial Cleaning. These chemical-based Commercial Cleaning solutions from Seattle and other places have been linked to people's allergies, asthma, and chemical sensitivities. You can look at the following ideas for how to use green Commercial Cleaning in a daycare setting more efficiently:


Sanitizing Toys at a Daycare

Instead of using a Commercial Cleaning sanitizer, you can use soapy water and let it dry in the sun to sanitize toys.

  • Desks, benches, and diaper stations - Clean the surface of the desks, seats, and diaper stations with warm soapy water. A mixture of warm water and soap will kill the bacteria on any hard surface. There are a variety of biodegradable detergents on the market that you can choose from.
  • Sink and basin - Use a moist towel and bicarbonate of soda to clean the sink and basin.
  • Mirrors and windows - Use a crumpled newspaper or paper towel and vinegar to clean the mirrors and windows.
  • Floor - On hard floor surfaces, warm water can be used. It is capable of efficiently removing dirt and stains from the surface.
  • Carpet - You can use shaving cream to clean your carpet if it has stains. Please leave it to dry after rinsing it off with warm water.
  • Toilet - You can clean the toilets using white vinegar and a small amount of lavender essence instead of your regular powerful cleaning chemicals.

Alternative disinfectant

Using Commercial Cleaning disinfectants from markets in the Commercial cleaning industry is very common. You can use your formula of 500 mL of white vinegar with 1 liter of water and 15 mL of your favorite essence as part of the green Commercial Cleaning initiative. With vomit, pee, and feces, this solution works best.


Urine Cleaning

Accidents happen all the time when cleaning your urine. You can wash it off with white vinegar or lemon juice and water and let it dry in the sun if you have a urinary accident.


The Commercial Cleaning specialists from Seattle strongly advise you to check for allergies and sensitivities before combining your green cleaning products if you decide to use the recommendations above. Children'sSmells and odors can also trigger children's allergies. Ensure that all cleaning products are kept out of children's reach and kept in a safe area. Before you use labels, you must read and comprehend them.