
Winter and Spring Allergies and Employee Performance

An allergy that appears in a particular season is typically known as hay fever. Allergies happen only during certain times of the year - specifically the winter, spring, summer, or fall. An allergen is something that activates an allergic reaction. The most typical allergens are pollens from wind-pollinated plants, such as grasses, trees, and weeds. Allergy manifestations can include runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, postnasal drainage, ear congestion, watery and itchy eyes, and itchy sinuses, throat, or ear canals. 


Winter and Spring Allergies


Exposure to indoor allergens and spending more time inside with poor ventilation are typical triggers for so-called winter allergies. The most common reasons for winter allergies include mold spores, dust or dust mites, dander, cockroaches, including cockroach feces and shells. 


In the spring season, pollen is the most common cause of allergy. Weeds, grasses, and trees release these little grains into the air to nourish other plants. But, when they get into the nose of an allergic person, they push the body's defenses into overdrive.


Many Americans suffer from allergies each year. These allergies can affect the productivity of an employee. Most people cannot work well when they do not feel well. How can you work when you are sneezing and have a runny nose all the time because of dust and dirt? This condition can lead to missed days for doctor visits or rest and recovery. Regardless, there is still good news for your industry: dust, pollen, animal dander, and mold can be taken care of by Commercial Cleaning with the right cleaning equipment.


Commercial Cleaning experts in Seattle could help your company be an allergen-free environment. To reduce allergies in the workplace, a cleaning routine by a Commercial Cleaning, mainly during allergy season, can vacate workplaces dusty and wreaking devastation on the employees' health. Dealing with allergies at work can frequently be difficult as dust and other allergens can worsen asthma. Commercial Cleaning will ensure your office areas are clean, terminating allergens from the air, rags, furniture, and carpet. Office Disinfecting and sanitizing is one of the expertise of Commercial Cleaning. When you hire a service of Commercial Cleaning pros in Seattle, they deliver quality, thorough cleaning services that reduce possible hazards around your office. 


A clean workplace creates a pleasant environment for your employees, clients, and other guests. It also gives everyone a wonderful image of your business. Hiring a Commercial Cleaning to take care of the cleaning and disinfecting for you lets you concentrate where it counts most: keeping employees and clients happy. In addition, Commercial Cleaning companies can reduce the cause of allergy by using high-efficiency particulate absorption vacuum cleaners, natural cleaning products, high-quality microfiber cloths.


There is no ought to suffer through allergy season when you can get help through Commercial Cleaning companies. The customer service of the Commercial Cleaning team in Seattle is glad to answer any questions you may have. In addition, their Commercial cleaning services can allow you to put away the dirt and dust on your desk all allergy season.